Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison election equipment will have a new look when voters go to the polls to vote on Tuesday.
The city has replaced the DS200 tabulators that were destroyed by a flood last summer with the same technology.  The new machines are capable of displaying more graphics than the machines voters have used at City of Madison polling places in the past. 
After inserting a ballot, the voter should wait for the screen to display “Thank you for voting.  Your ballot has been counted.”  If the DS200 reads that the ballot is blank, or that too many candidates have been selected for an office, the screen will give the voter an opportunity to retrieve the ballot.
The city’s AutoMark Voter Assist Terminals, which were also destroyed by flooding, have been replaced with the ExpressVote.  Any voter is welcome to use this accessible ballot marking device.  Using a touch screen, a sip-n-puff device, or a Braille keypad with audio headphones, the voter indicates how the ExpressVote should mark his or her ballot card.  The ballot card marked by the ExpressVote is then fed into the DS200 tabulator to be counted.

The ExpressVote is also available at all City of Madison absentee voting locations.

Earlier this week, the City of Madison held a public test of election equipment to verify that its ExpressVote machines will accurately mark ballot cards, and that its tabulators will accurately tally the February 21 Primary Election results.


City Hall