Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison voters can clear up their voter registration by contacting City Clerk's Office

The Madison City Clerk's office announced today that it will help voters clean up errors in their voter registration information identified by the Government Accountability Board (GAB).

On July 31 the GAB, the state agency that oversees elections, mailed 85,000 letters to voters whose voter registration information did not exactly match the information on file with the Division of Motor Vehicles or the Social Security Administration. Voters were asked to contact the GAB within 10 days.

City of Madison voters responding to these Help America Vote Act (HAVA) check letters from the Government Accountability Board (GAB) are welcome to contact the Madison City Clerk's Office to clear up any discrepancies in their voter registration records.

After receiving calls from Madison voters who could not get in contact with the GAB, the Clerk's Office will also assist with HAVA check issues. City of Madison voters who have received a HAVA letter from the GAB can call 266-4601 for immediate assistance. The Clerk's Office recommends that voters have their Wisconsin driver's license number handy when they call.

Failure to respond to the HAVA letter would not cancel a voter's registration, but could increase the chances that a voter's record would be incorrectly linked to that of another voter. The City Clerk's Office will continue working with voters to correct errors in the Statewide Voter Registration System after the 10-day deadline established by the GAB.

Voters may look-up their voter registration record online at


  • Maribeth Witzel-Behl, 608-266-4601