Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Council President DeMarb to Make Motion to Refer Tonight

At tonight’s Common Council meeting, Council President Denise DeMarb will be making a motion to directly refer two agenda items related to the Judge Doyle Square Project to the September 15, 2015 Common Council meeting for public testimony and debate.  If approved, there will be no public testimony or debate on these items tonight.
On August 24, 2015 the members of the Board of Estimates recommended approval, subject to the satisfactory resolution of these issues prior to September 1: (1) Language on a Labor Peace Agreement;  (2) Language on the timing and nature of reacquisition by the City of the hotel condominium unit and the future office expansion condominium unit; (3) Completion of the Real Estate Purchase Agreement;  (4) Removal of the Developer’s right of first refusal on leasing of parking utility spaces; and (5) More information on the TIF jobs grant and the other questions of the TIF Coordinator. If these matters were not satisfactorily resolved, the BOE recommended referral of the resolution to the Council’s September 15 meeting. 
The resolution of the above listed issues has not been met by the September 1, 2015 deadline and the following agenda items will now be referred to the September 15, 2015 Common Council meeting.
43.  Legislative File No. 39761 - Declaring the sale of the subterranean portion of the right of way beneath Pinckney Street serves the public interest in conformity with the requirements of Wis. Stat. Sec. 66.0915(4). (Report of City Attorney)
60. Legislative File No. 39800 - SUBSTITUTE Accepting the Report of the Board of Estimates and the August 20, 2015, Report of the Judge Doyle Square Negotiating Team; Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amended and Restated Development Agreement with JDS Development LLC for the Judge Doyle Square Project and Related Agreements, and Directing Follow-up Actions by the City as Described and Agreed to in the Amended and Restated Development Agreement. (Report of the Board of Estimates)


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