Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison residents attending UW-Madison or Edgewood College will be able to vote absentee on campus next week in the primary for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and, for voters in the Madison Metropolitan School District, the primary for School Board Seats 6 and 7.
The city has offered in-person absentee voting for the February 21 Primary in the City Clerk’s Office, all Madison Public Library locations, and Streets East since February 1.  Two additional absentee locations will be available next week:
UW-Madison Student Activity Center
Sunroom on the third floor
333 East Campus Mall
Monday - Friday, February 13-17
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Edgewood College
Predolin Commons
1000 Edgewood College Drive
Tuesday, February 14, and Wednesday, February 15
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The procedures for voting absentee for the February Primary are similar to those that were in place for the November election.  Voters will need to show an acceptable form of voter ID before receiving an absentee ballot.  Anyone who registered to vote in the fall will not need to register again unless they have moved since registering to vote. 
With over a week of absentee voting to go, City of Madison residents have cast 631 absentee ballots in person.  The City of Madison is likely to break its previous record for the number of in-person absentee ballots cast in a non-presidential February Primary: 793 absentees in February 2016.
A court ruling last fall allowed municipalities to offer absentee voting at multiple locations.  Making in-person absentee voting available throughout the community for the November 2016 General Election greatly reduced the amount of time voters needed to wait in line for an absentee ballot, allowing 57,260 City of Madison voters to cast their absentee ballots in person:

  • 8,123 at Sequoya Library
  • 6,954 at Alicia Ashman Library
  • 6,207 at the City Clerk’s Office
  • 6,006 at Pinney Library
  • 5,043 at UW-Madison Union South
  • 4,616 at Meadowridge Library
  • 4,414 at Central Library
  • 3,980 at UW-Madison Student Activity Center
  • 3,764 at Lakeview Library
  • 2,920 at Hawthorne Library
  • 2,013 at Monroe Street Library
  • 1,668 at Goodman South Madison Library
  • 1,211 at Streets East
  • 341 at Edgewood College

Absentee ballots are counted at the polls on Election Day.


City Hall