Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison residents attending Edgewood College are able to vote absentee on campus this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
The location for absentee voting at Edgewood College will be:
Predolin Commons
1000 Edgewood College Drive
March 28-30
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The city has offered in-person absentee voting for the April 4 Spring Election in the City Clerk’s Office, all Madison Public Library locations, and Streets East since March 14.  Absentee voting at two UW-Madison locations started yesterday and will continue through Friday. 
The procedures for voting absentee in the Spring Election are similar to those that were in place for February and November.  Voters will need to show an acceptable form of voter ID before receiving an absentee ballot.  Anyone who registered to vote in the fall will not need to register again unless they have moved since registering to vote. 
As of this morning, the City of Madison had issued 6,147 absentee ballots for the Spring Election, and 3,917 of those absentees had already been returned to be counted.  Those figures include 2,571 absentee ballots cast in person.  For comparison, the City of Madison had 387 absentee ballots cast in person for the April 2013 election, and 1,461 absentees cast in person for the April 2015 election.
Absentee ballots are counted at the polls on Election Day.


City Hall