Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The election to be held on September 14 is a partisan primary.

The purpose of a partisan primary is to decide who will represent each political party in the General Election in November. At this election, the law does not allow you to vote for candidates in more than one political party. This isn't about your political affiliation; it's about the party in which you wish to vote. To cast your ballot correctly, please follow these instructions:

1. In the upper left-hand corner of the ballot (under "Party Preference"), connect the arrow for the party in which you wish to vote.
2. Within the political party you selected in step one, you may vote for one, and only one, person for each of the offices listed.

If you mark "Party Preference" and do not vote for any candidates, nothing on your ballot will count.

If you mark "Party Preference" and vote for candidates in another party, only the votes in the party indicated by your "Party Preference" will count.

If you do not mark "Party Preference" and vote in more than one political party, nothing on your ballot will count.

If you do not mark "Party Preference," but vote within only one political party, the votes on your ballot will count. You may only vote for one candidate per office.

The City Clerk's Office tests all election equipment prior to each election to ensure that the equipment will accurately count your votes.


  • Maribeth Witzel-Behl, 608-266-4601