Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison Clerk’s Office recommends taking three actions to prepare for the 2020 elections.

  1. Check your voter registration at  If your address has changed, update your voter registration now to save time at the polls on Election Day. 

If you have a Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID, you may update your voter registration at  The website will remind you to first update your address with the DMV, if you haven’t already done so.  The address you have on file with the DMV will serve as your proof of address.
Voters who do not have a Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID may update their voter registration by bringing proof of address to the nearest Madison Public Library, or the front desk of any city agency.  Proof of address needs to show your name at the address where you are registering to vote, and it may be electronic.  Documents frequently used as proof of address include utility bills (water, gas, electric, cable, phone, or internet), bank statements (statement for bank, credit union, credit card, or mortgage), or government documents (federal, state, county, municipal, tribal, UW, Madison College, or public school).

  1. Mark your calendar with the 2020 election dates.  The Spring Primary is just six weeks away, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18.  The Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 7.  The Partisan Primary takes place on Tuesday, Aug. 11.  The Presidential Election will be on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

If you will need an absentee ballot mailed to you for any of the 2020 elections, you may submit your absentee request now at

  1. Check your voter ID.  Visit for a complete list of acceptable voter ID options.  The address on your ID does not matter when proving your identity at the polls.  An expired Wisconsin driver license, Wisconsin ID, U.S. passport, or military ID is acceptable for all 2020 elections as long as its expiration date falls after the date of the last November election (Nov. 6, 2018).  A Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID used as voter ID does not need to comply with the federal REAL ID Act.

If you need help getting a free Wisconsin ID for voting, call the Dane County Voter ID Coalition at (608) 285-2141 for help, including a free cab ride to the DMV.


City Hall