Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison election equipment storage space flooded during the storms last Thursday night, destroying some of the tabulators and ballots needed for the August 9 Partisan Primary.
Some of the ballots that would have been used on Election Day expanded in the humidity, becoming too wide to feed into a tabulator.  Those ballots are being reprinted.
The City Clerk’s Office is testing each machine in the basement of the Village on Park, 2300 S. Park Street.  The public is welcome to observe this testing, but anyone with asthma should be aware that mold has started to grow on some of the election supplies stored at the Village on Park.
At least 17 tabulators had water in their circuit boards and will need to be replaced.  All machines will be dismantled and checked for corrosion between the August and November elections.
If corrosion between a tabulator’s circuit boards and connectors were to develop on Election Day, the Clerk’s Office would deliver a replacement tabulator to the polling place. 
If the Clerk’s Office were to run out of functional tabulators on Election Day, Election Officials would tally ballots by hand.  This could delay the posting of election results.  The public is always welcome to observe the process of closing the polls on Election Day, including the tallying of election results.


City Hall