Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

This afternoon Madison voters broke the city’s record for the number of absentee ballots cast in-person for any February Primary, including Presidential Primaries held in February.
As of 4 p.m. Thursday, 1,822 City of Madison residents had voted absentee at Madison Public Library locations, the City Clerk’s Office, Streets East, UW-Madison’s Student Activity Center, or Edgewood College. 
The previous record for February in-person absentee ballots was set in the Presidential Primary of 2008, when 1,777 City of Madison residents cast absentee ballots in the City Clerk’s Office.
In-person absentee voting continues through Sunday, February, 19.  Voting registration will not be available on Saturday and Sunday, in accordance with state law, but will be available at the polls on Tuesday.
For comparison, here are the statistics for in-person absentee votes in the City of Madison for other February Primaries:
Year     In-Person Absentees
2016    793
2015    285
2013    387
2012    221
2011    686
2010    123
2009    140
2008    1,777 (Presidential Preference)
2007    301
2006    52
2005    101
2004    1,062 (Presidential Preference)
2003    548
2002    115
2001    148
2000    82
1999    108
1998    7
1997    465
1996    114
1995    358
1994    63
1993    225
1992    65
1991    125
1990    56
1989    413
1988    221
1987    109
1985    123


City Hall