Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Today is the first day for hospitalized voters to appoint an agent to retrieve their Spring Primary absentee ballot from the City of Madison Clerk’s Office, deliver the ballot to the hospital, and then return the ballot to the Clerk’s Office. The hospitalized absentee voting process is available until 5:00 pm on Election Day.

Hospitalized voters may appoint an agent and request a hospitalized absentee ballot by completing the form provided by the Clerk’s Office.

The hospitalized voter may appoint anyone as their agent.  The agent delivers the absentee request to the Clerk’s Office and presents both the agent’s ID and a copy of the voter’s ID to Clerk’s Office staff.  If the voter needs to register or update their voter registration, the agent will bring a completed voter registration application and proof of the voter’s address to the Clerk’s Office.

The Clerk’s Office will issue an absentee ballot, absentee envelope, and instructions for the hospitalized voter. The agent delivers this packet of materials to the voter at the hospital.

The hospitalized voter may choose anyone who is not a candidate on the ballot to be their witness. The witness may be the voter’s agent. The voter shows the witness that the ballot is not marked, and then uses a blue or black ballpoint pen to mark the ballot in the presence of that witness. They should be far enough away from the witness that the candidates selected are not known to the witness.

The voter will fold the ballot and seal it in the absentee envelope in the presence of the witness. The voter will read the voter statement on the front of the absentee envelope, and will sign or make their mark on the envelope. The witness will read the witness certification statement, sign, and write their street address below their witness signature.

The agent will deliver the sealed absentee envelope to the Clerk’s Office.  The Clerk’s Office sends all absentee ballots to the polls to be counted on Election Day.  In order for an absentee ballot to count, it must be returned early enough that the Clerk’s Office receives it by Election Day. The absentee envelope must be sealed, and the voter’s signature, the witness signature, and the witness address must be present on the envelope.


City Hall