The City of Madison welcomes residents of the Town of Blooming Grove as part of the attachment process, where the City of Madison absorbs the Town in three phases over the span of nearly two decades. In 2006, the City of Madison and Town of Blooming Grove finalized a cooperative plan to guide this transition. Clear communication from the City to all incoming residents, businesses and property owners is important so everyone feels included, welcome, prepared and informed.

This website is a resource to learn about all changes and ways to connect with the City of Madison on questions related to the process. Information will continuously be updated throughout the phased attachment process.

  • Map

    Find out if you will be affected, and what is moving to the City.

  • Service Changes

    Learn about how services will be affected for new City residents.

  • Timeline

    View a timeline of changes and history of the attachment.

  • Background

    Learn about why the attachment is happening, and what it means.