Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Senior Center Director Wins Award

Dr. James Firman, CEO of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), has announced that Christine Beatty, Director of the Madison Senior Center, will receive the 2012 NCOA Geneva Mathiasen Award. The award is named after the first executive director of the National Committee on the Aging, which became NCOA. The award is presented annually to honor individuals for outstanding contributions to NCOA and its programs. Beatty will receive the award in Washington, DC, on March 30, 2012.

Christine Beatty began her service as the Wisconsin Delegate to National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) Delegate Council 1991-1997. She served on the Standards and Guidelines committee and is identified as one of four individuals who developed national senior center accreditation, acknowledged in the 1998 NISC National Accreditation Manual. She was elected by her peers as NICS Secretary, Vice Chairperson and finally as Chairperson in 2004 - 2006.

She is a NISC National Accreditation Certified Standards Trainer and Peer Reviewer and was selected as Trainer for three classes of NISC trainers and reviewers. She was chosen as one of six peer mentors for the NCOA Wisdom Works, a national project to attract, train and deploy and support teams of retirees to address important community needs.

Beatty led one of twelve grant funded national community projects, called NCOA Models of Significant Service, which explored the impact and mobilization of 55 years plus professional volunteers. Recently, she received a national grant from Oasis Institute, St. Louis, MO, to engage teams of older adults to provide an evidence-based health and physical activity project in after-school programs for grade school students.

She was appointed to the Board of Directors of National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, D.C. from 2005-2011, and she was elected as Convener of the NCOA Leadership Council, an advisory think tank of professionals in aging services from 2008-2011.

She is a national speaker and presenter on retirement, volunteerism, senior centers, non-profit boards, and aging issues, and has led educational workshops and provided keynote presentations for conferences in California, Massachusetts, New York, Kansas, Iowa, Maine, Indiana, Florida, and Arkansas and developed various national NCOA webinars.

Ms Beatty was honored as the Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers ‘Professional of the Year' Award in 2004, and she received the highest accolade of the National Institute of Senior Center, its ‘Founders Award', in 2007. Church Women United of Madison, WI, honored Christine with their 2012 Human Rights Award, for her efforts to fight ageism.


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-266-6581