Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Senior Center Art Gallery Open Weekdays

The Madison Senior Center proudly announces the award winners of An Artful Affair, the Senior Art Show held in May. Artists age 55 and over submitted works that were judged by three professional artists from the Madison area. Pat Dillon, Russell Gardner, Jr., and Georgene Pomplum reviewed almost 100 works of art to arrive at the Best of Show, submitted by John A. Oaks with his piece, "Unhappy Bather."

The Judge's Choice awards went to Howard Lippincott, non-professional, for "Stephen Elevators" and Karen Loper, professional, for "Shantytown Dogs." Receiving Awards of Excellence were Hannah Pinkerton, non-professional, for "The Bay" and Shirley Price-Marcus, professional, for "Tree." Honorable Mention awards went to Anthony Pawlowsky for "Old Barn" and Ray W. Ray, professional, for "Alex," a portrait of Ray's grandson.

Additional recognition, Round of Applause awards, went to Marilyn Knipfer for "Penny in the Sunshine", J. Roberto Maldonado for "The Sacred Wind", Nancee McChesney for her work "Poppies", and June Gengler for "In the Belly of the Bluegill."

Works are on display weekdays from 8:30 - 4 pm through June 1, 2012. Visit our website for further information about the Madison Senior Center, 330 W. Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53703. Visitors are always welcome!


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-266-6581