Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Streets Division is diverting resources from other facets of its operations to begin clean up from the last night’s storm.  There will be at least 28 crews doing brush collection in the next several days.  Other crews will be assigned to brush clean up in areas with storm damage when they finish their regular assignments.

     “We are committed to an all out effort to get brush picked up from Madison residents who have suffered storm damage” Streets Superintendent Chris Kelley said.  “We hope we can assist our customers in a quick recovery from this event.”

The Streets Division will also rescind its rule limiting the amount of brush that can be brought to its drop off sites.  Currently Madison residents can only bring in one pick up or trailer load of brush per day.  Madison residents can bring in an unlimited amount of brush in the next few days until things are cleaned up. 

     “This change in rules will assist us by allowing folks who can haul their own brush to bring it in for proper disposal,” Kelley said.  “However, this is a service for Madison residents who cut their own brush.  Contractors may not use our drop off sites.”

     The brush drop off sites are located at 1501 W. Badger Road and 4602 Sycamore Avenue.  They are open seven days a week from 8:30am until 4:30pm.  On Tuesday and Thursday evenings the sites are open until 8 pm.  Contractors may dispose of brush, for a fee at the Madison Brush Processing Site at 121 E. Olin Avenue.  The Olin Avenue site is open M-F from 7 am. until 2:30 pm.

The City of Madison is responsible for removing storm damaged limbs and trees located on the terrace, between the sidewalk and the street.  Trees on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.  For more information visit the Forestry web site

The Streets Division will be evaluating what needs to be done about homes and buildings damaged by the storm.  If additional collection is needed a decision will be made in the next 48 hours.  Homeowners who have property damage should check with their insurance company to see if dumpster service is covered.  If so, it would be best to contract with a private hauler for that service, which is not provided by the Streets Division. This is especially true if there has been significant damage.
