Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

With both Lakes Mendota and Monona already exceeding their summer target maximum levels and more rain in the forecast, the City of Madison Engineering Division is making free sand and ready-to-fill bags available to City residents.

Sand and bags are available at the following locations:

  • Engineering Service Building – 1600 Emil Street
  • Olin-Turville Park – 1155 Olin-Turville Court
  • Olbrich Park Boat Launch Parking Lot – Atwood Avenue – 2400 block
  • Spring Harbor School Parking Lot – 1918 Norman Way
  • Tenney Park Beach Parking Lot – 1254 Sherman Avenue
  • Thut Park – 2630 Nana Lane
  • Warner Park Beach Parking Lot – 1101 Woodward Drive

A map showing these locations is available at:

Residents are advised to bring their own shovel to load sand and bags.
Sand and bags at these locations are available to City of Madison residents only.


  • Engineering Operations, (608) 266-4430