Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Library recognized for sustainability by U. S. Green Building Council

Madison Public Library’s Central Library achieved LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council on July 25, 2014.
Prominent sustainability features of the year-old Central Library include reuse of over 75% of the existing building and the addition of a green roof; materials that are regionally sourced, made of high recycled content; daylight harvesting and and overall lighting strategy designed to beat the energy code by 25%, high performance mechanical and electrical systems, automated building controls, and underfloor air and power distribution system, and photovoltaic panels on the roof for on-site renewable energy. Fixtures, furnishings –even art installations – all highlight the project’s commitment to energy efficiency and reusable, recycled, or locally-sourced materials.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a program developed by the U. S. Green Building Council to provide third-party verification of sustainable buildings throughout the country. In essence, LEED outlines a cumulative checklist of green features that qualify for certification credit. Buildings that incorporate these specific features can obtain either Silver, Gold or Platinum certification.
Madison Public Library’s Central Library was also recently awarded the American Public Works Association Project of the Year 2014.  Two other Madison Public Libraries hold LEED certification – the Goodman South Madison Library (LEED Gold, 2012) and the Sequoya Library (LEED Silver, 2010).
For more information about the library’s commitment to sustainability, visit  For more information about the City of Madison’s commitment to sustainability, visit 

