Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The annual home compost bin and rain barrel sale this Saturday May 9th. The sale will take place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., or while supplies last, at the Alliant Energy Center.  A 65 gallon compost bin will be on sale for $69.99. Also on sale will be the locally made RainReserve 50 gallon rain barrel for $119.99 and 100 gallon rain barrel for $214.99.  Rain barrels are available in 3 different colors and will include a high-flow spigot and a downspout diverter to prevent debris and critters from entering.
"This is the 22nd year of compost bin sales," Madison recycling coordinator George Dreckmann said. "It is estimated that over 30,000 homes in Madison area already have rain barrels or compost bins.”

“Homeowners can contribute towards alleviating the growing problem of algae blooms in our local waterways by practicing both rainwater harvesting and composting.” says Paul Dearlove, Watershed Program Manager for the Clean Lakes Alliance.   It is estimated that the urban communities contribute about 30% of the total phosphorus that enters lakes Mendota, Monona, Waubesa, Kegonsa, and Wingra from runoff each year. Just one pound of phosphorus, the equivalent of about one large compost pile of leaves, can generate up to 500 pounds of algae if not managed correctly by homeowners.  

The bins and barrels will be sold at the Alliant Energy Center from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Or while supplies last. To guarantee availability, pre-orders can be completed online. The sale will be held rain or shine and bins are sold on a first come first served basis. The sites will accept cash or checks, Visa, Master Card, and Discover card are also accepted.
"You do not need to be a Madison or Dane County resident to purchase a compost bin or rain barrel," Dreckmann said. "You can also purchase as many bins or barrels as you would like." As part of the Clean Lakes Alliance citizen action campaign, each participant will also receive a “Renew the Blue” sticker with their rain barrel or compost bin purchase.
