Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison's longtime recycling guru George Dreckmann was honored with the National Recycling Coalition's Lifetime Achievement Award at its annual meeting in Indianapolis earlier this month.  Dreckmann, who has been with the City since 1989 was chosen for his "leadership, innovation, and environmental commitment."

As recycling coordinator, Dreckmann helped start Madison's curbside recycling program in 1991.  He was also instrumental in starting programs for the recycling or electronic waste, unneeded prescription drugs, sharps, cooking oil,  construction and demolition waste, mattress and box spring recycling and the organics collection program.

     "I am deeply honored to receive this award," Dreckmann told the Indianapolis audience.  "This represents recognition for the men and women of the Streets Division, the political leaders of our community and our committed residents who have worked so hard to make our program a success."

This is not the first award for Dreckmann, in 2004 he received the Christy Dixon award as the Recycler of the Year from the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin.
