Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Streets Division will provide each Madison neighborhood with one final round of leaf and garden waste collection beginning Monday May 5th.  The spring leaf and garden waste collection usually concludes in April but, due to the late start of warmer weather the collection will be extended.
     “We will begin our final round of collection next week in the Thursday refuse collection districts,” Madison recycling coordinator George Dreckmann said.  “We will conclude our final round when we finish the Wednesday refuse collection districts.”
     The Streets Division estimates that it will collect leaves and garden waste in the Thursday and Friday refuse collection districts with week of May 5th and the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday areas the week of May 12th. These dates are estimates based upon the best available information. They are subject to change due to weather, workload and equipment availability. 
     For updated collection information residents should go to the Streets Division’s web site .  Recorded information is available by calling 267-2088.
     “Residents are urged to get their material out to the curb as soon as possible to ensure collection,” Dreckmann said.  “It looks like this weekend’s weather will cooperate so everyone can get their yard work done.”
     Residents can also dispose of their material at the yard waste drop off sites.  The sites are open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  They will be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.  The sites are located at 4602 Sycamore Av. on the east side, 1501 W. Badger Rd. on the south side and 402 South Point Rd. on the west side.  Brush is not accepted at 402 South Point Rd.
     Brush, tree and shrub trimmings over 18” in length, is collected on a separate rotation.  Brush collection will continue until mid October.
