Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Information and Tips on How to Stay Safe

The National Weather Service has issued a dangerous cold weather notice covering tonight (January 2nd)  through next Tuesday January 7th.  High temperatures are expected to be in the single digits and lows will be below zero.   Wind chills are predicted to be between 30 and 40 degrees below zero.
The wind chill temperature is a measure of how the cold actually feels on your skin. Temperatures and wind chills this low cross the line from discomfort to genuinely life threatening. PHMDC strongly urges people to be alert and aware of these dangerous conditions.
With this type of weather, frostbite and hypothermia can occur in as few as 10 minutes.  Signs and symptoms of frostbite include the loss of feeling and color in parts of the body. For hypothermia signs and symptoms include Signs and symptoms include uncontrollable shivering, feelings of numbness, drowsiness, exhaustion, confusion, memory lapses, slow or slurred speech, slow breathing and pulse rates, failing eyesight, poor coordination and possible unconsciousness. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek immediate emergency medical assistance.
Cold Weather Precautions

  • Monitor your food intake and physical output and maintain a regular diet to help your body better handle the severe weather conditions.
  • Hydrate - Drinks with caffeine, sugar and alcohol take longer for your body to absorb and do not hydrate as well. Water is usually the best choice.
  • People should be aware of the amount and intensity of their physical activity, both indoors and out. Avoid overexertion. Cold weather puts additional strain on the body, especially the heart.
  • If you have to go outside, wear appropriate clothing that will adequately insulate you from the cold and provide protection from the wind.
  • Older adults, those in fragile health and smaller children can be more readily affected by the cold than the average adult.
  • Check on loved ones and neighbors, especially those in fragile health, preferably by telephone.  Pay particular attention to older neighbors who may be outdoors attempting to shovel snow or engaged in some other activity.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in vehicles. Temperatures in vehicles can drop rapidly.
  • Pets can be greatly affected by the cold and should not be exposed longer than they have to be.
  • Large animals need to be kept out of the wind and have a dry place to lie down. Water supplies should be checked to avoid freezing and diets should be adjusted to increase energy content by 5%.
  • Check heating units. Poorly operating or damaged heating units can release carbon monoxide gas. Test carbon monoxide detectors for proper operation and battery life.

 Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that kills more than 500 Americans every year. Never use generators, grills, camp stoves, or other gasoline or charcoal-burning devices inside your home, basement, and garage or near a window. Also, make sure you have installed a carbon monoxide detector in your home to alert you and your family to this "silent killer."
 For additional information regarding winter weather, visit the National Weather Service's Milwaukee / Sullivan Forecast Office.
For additional information on winter weather health and safety guidance, visit the CDC page Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety


Health & Safety