Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Nina Bednarski & Craig Grabhorn

The gallery walls of the Madison Municipal Building now feature the artwork of Nina Bednarski and Craig Grabhorn. This dynamic young artist couple exemplifies what can happen when Madison invests in emerging creative talent. As Madison residents, they have greatly energized the local cultural scene, providing strong support for contemporary art by creating cutting edge exhibitions and underground events through their collaboration called "The Art Department." Though it is challenging for them to find the time and energy for their studio work, with their full time creative careers and other projects, Colorfields demonstrates their continued commitment to creating their own art and sharing it with the public.

The pieces you see in Colorfields are a sampling of a much larger body of work the two have created independently over the last three years. Though, with any close team, their work has begun to blend and influence each other's. Nina has said of her work "I see my artwork as a spiritual consideration of natural elements and human design that I regard as beautiful." As you will see in this first exhibition since their June marriage, their work and their lives together beautifully wed design and spirit in Colorfields.

The Madison Arts Commission's ARTspace program is open to all Madison visual artists who would like to showcase original two-dimensional works in highly utilized city spaces. The next deadline to apply for use of this municipal exhibition space is October 1, 2008.


  • Karin Wolf, (608) 261-9134
