Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Students, and others, moving in and out of housing on the lower half of State Street will be given access into construction zones on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Workers, who have been busy all summer long giving lower State a significant makeover, will cease major work in the 500 and 600 blocks in order to help accommodate Madison's annual rite of passage
Cars, minivans, and other vehicles will be allowed passage from 6:00 a.m., August 14th, until 6:00 a.m., August 17th. You may only park while actively loading and unloading. This will be strictly enforced! Also, some concrete work is very fresh, so drivers should keep all four wheels on the street, and not try to put two up on the curb as this could cause damage.
Vehicles should enter State Street from Lake State, and park on the right - or south side - of the street. Drivers can exit State Street by turning left onto West Gilman Street.
Orange construction fencing is in place along most sidewalk areas. Residents are asked to walk only in areas designated for pedestrian traffic, and to not disturb construction fencing, barrels, equipment or supplies.
Regular delivery vehicles are still not allowed on the 500 and 600 blocks of State Street.
Those needing to access State Street apartments that are outside of the main construction zone - these would be residences in the 100 to 400 blocks - should enter and exit at the intersection closest to the address.
Only residents with State Street addresses will be allowed access to the street.
When parking - outside of the construction zone - the passenger side wheels must be pulled up onto the curb area.
Also, do not block outside café seating areas as this could result in your vehicle being towed.


  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
