Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Date: Thursday, July 24 and Tuesday, August 26
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Evjue Commons - Olbrich Botanical Gardens , 3330 Atwood Avenue  The City of Madison Parks Division invites the public to attend a meeting regarding the Olbrich Park Master Plan. This planning process will look at all of Olbrich Park and contiguous land such as Starkweather Creek and O. B. Sherry Park. 

The plan will include the undeveloped Garver area, Botanical Gardens, athletic fields, boat launches, beach, parking areas and other open space. The planning process will consider whether some of the existing and proposed park uses should be expanded or reduced. 

The Parks Division encourages participants in all park activities to come and voice their interest in the future development, redevelopment, and restoration of different areas of the park. 


  • Si Widstrand, 266-4719
  • Laura Whitmore, 266-5949
