Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Police Officers Staff Self-Report Unit

Madison Police Officers are now staffing a new and improved version of the Citizen Self-Reporting System. During citywide listening sessions held by Madison Police Chief Noble Wray last summer many Madisonians expressed displeasure with the old self-report system. It required residents to fill out, and mail in forms for certain crimes and incidents, and the consensus was many wanted to be able to speak with a real, live police officer. Under the new system, officers - many of whom are on light-duty due to injury, pregnancy etc. - will staff phone lines (608-245-3662) at the Madison Police Department's Self-Report Unit (SRU) - located in the City County Building - from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. They will not only take information, but will ask the type of questions officers are trained to ask in order to better facilitate investigations. The officers inquires will also provide for greater data analysis, and they will help recognize crime trends.

If citizens do not get someone immediately, they are asked to leave one voice message and an officer will call back. This could take several days depending on call volume.

There is also a new on-line self-report form that citizens - who do not wish to call - can utilize. It can be accessed by going to the Madison Police Department's website at

Additionally, residents will continue to have the option of filling out self-report forms at any Madison Police Department district office.

There are many incidents that may require a self-report: suspicious activity, threats, theft from auto, theft, stolen bicycle, neighbor trouble, lost property, graffiti, drug incident, damage to property, and annoying phone calls. These are incidents that are no longer "active", but have occurred sometime in the recent past.

It is the Madison Police Department's hope that those encountering such problems will find the new self-report system more amenable.


  • Joel DeSpain, 608-266-4897
  • Capt. Carl Gloede
