Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison - Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said today that longtime City Engineer Larry Nelson has agreed to extend his tour of duty with the City of Madison.

"Larry Nelson is an indispensable part of city government, and we are fortunate that he has agreed to continue his service to the community," said Mayor Cieslewicz. "From street construction to stormwater management to sustainability initiatives, Larry's experience and competence benefit the city and its residents in countless ways."

Nelson has served as City Engineer for the City of Madison since 1989. Prior to that he was a staff engineer with the Engineering Division, beginning work in 1966. He also serves as the Director of Public Works and Transportation, coordinating citywide activity in those areas among a number of city agencies.

"This is an exciting time to be in city government, and I am happy to be continuing my service here," said Nelson. "In particular, City Engineering is embarking on a very important new sustainability and energy efficiency program which I expect will result in fundamental changes in how all of city government operates."

Nelson, 63, lives in the Orchard Ridge neighborhood of Madison with his wife, Donna.


  • George Twigg, (608) 266-4611