Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Outdoor Ice Rinks - All of the outdoor ice rinks will remain closed due to thin ice. Tenney Park is particularly dangerous with many holes and soft spots. Tenney Lagoon water is over 10 feet deep. For your safety - STAY OFF THE ICE. Staff will be working on the maintenance of the rinks the week. It is anticipated that a few of the rinks may be safe for skating soon. Please check back.

Cross-Country Skiing - The trails at Elver Park, Odana Golf Course are being groomed today. Tracks will be set at Odana and Elver on Tuesday. All of the other non-fee trails will be groomed by the end of the week. See Parks Division for details on park location.

Elver Park shelter has ski rental. Hours are: Mon-Fri, 4p.m.-9:30p.m. and Sat-Sun, 11a.m.-9:30p.m. Odana Golf Course also has ski rental but on the weekend only. The hours are Sat-Sun 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m.


  • 608-266-4711
