Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison - I have decided not to run for reelection as 13th District Madison Alder. This is a difficult decision for me. However, I am making it based on personal reasons. First let me say how much of a privilege it has been to serve the district and the City of Madison. As someone who has been a civil servant for over twenty years and having been active in the community all my life, I feel I understand how important it is to work and make policy decisions for the citizens of this city and the community in which I live.

My tenure as city alder has certainly broadened that perspective and I have learned to appreciate what a difficult task it is to represent the diverse perspectives of the citizens of this great city. I have the utmost respect for my fellow alders, who work very hard to make the very tough decisions for Madison and its future. I have also tried very hard to examine each issue objectively and fairly, irrespective of political perspectives.

Ultimately, I must take into consideration the time demands required of an alder and the impact it has on my family and me personally. Personally, I have not been able to provide the time and attention to my spiritual life, my continuing academic and career goals, the community work that I love and my responsibilities to my family as a husband, father and grandfather. These things are very important to me and require a very full amount of my time and attention. In addition, I have had a significant life style change due to my health and have aging parents who need more of my attention.

One of the most difficult concerns I have about this decision is the fact that by not running for reelection, it creates a real possibility that there may be no persons of color representing this great city in 2007. That would seem a sad commentary to a city that claims to celebrate its diversity. While I am sure all the alders try their best to represent all of their constituents of the city, I believe there is an added responsibility and expectation for elected officials of color. I will certainly do what I can to continue to encourage diverse representation for public office.

I would like to sincerely thank those individuals who have supported me, trusted me and encouraged me during my previous campaign and current tenure as alder. I really hope that you understand and appreciate the difficult decision I have made. Most of all I would like to thank my wife Cheryl and my children Candace, Jennifer, Zina, Izzy and Synovia. I really appreciate you all for being willing to tolerate my time away from home, for believing in me and loving me. I also look forward to spending more time with my grand son Miles, who is very special to me!

I will certainly remain active in my community after my tenure is completed. I hope that I have made a difference in someone’s life and look forward to refocusing my time in other pursuits.


  • Ald. Isadore Knox, Jr., District 13, 467-7685