Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

How to Haze a Coyote

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC), has just released a short video entitled “How to Haze a Coyote.”  The video was produced in response to reports received of coyotes attacking pets on the east side of Madison.
“Coyotes in urban areas are not a new problem, and this video gives some concrete solutions for how we can safely co-exist with them,” said John Hausbeck, PHMDC Animal Services Supervisor.
The purpose of the 3 minute video is to explain the process of hazing, or scaring away coyotes, so they do not feel comfortable being in urban neighborhoods.
Coyotes have adapted to urban areas where they may be seen regularly. When a coyote shows up during daylight hours and they do not move away, or they act aggressively toward domestic animals, this means they’ve become too comfortable in the area. When this happens, everyone in the community needs to take action by making the coyotes feel uncomfortable by hazing them.  When everyone does it, and does it regularly, coyotes will become fearful of humans. This will result in a more peaceful co-existence between coyotes, humans and domestic animals.
While regular hazing is important, Hausbeck advises that, “this is the time of year that coyotes are locating their dens and becoming more territorial. Do not haze a sick or injured coyote, or one with pups or near a den.”
How to Haze a Coyote can be viewed at:
(Closed Captioning is available in Spanish)
For more detailed information about co-existing with coyotes


Health & Safety