Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

A Collaborative Success Story

Madison, WI - Friday, October 2, 2008 - Unsafe driver behavior on Nakoma Rd. has created hazardous conditions for the students and families of Thoreau School for many years. In response, the staff and parents of Thoreau School have teamed up with the Madison School Traffic Safety Committee, Safe Kids Coalition, Safe Communities and Public Health Madison and Dane County to develop a traffic safety plan that includes a designated concrete drop-off area with a marked crosswalk. 

Monday, October 6 at 8:00 am will be the launch of this new plan. Staff, parents and the Madison School Traffic Safety Committee members will be educating parents, via traffic plan brochure distribution and enforcement, about the new drop off area created by City of Madison Engineering and Traffic Engineering to improve pedestrian safety in the school zone.

Partners in this project:

  • Thoreau principal, staff and PTO
  • Madison School Traffic Safety Committee:
    • Public Health - Madison and Dane County
    • Madison Police - Traffic Enforcement Safety Team
    • Madison Traffic Engineering
    • Madison Metropolitan School District - Principal, Transportation Svc, Facilities
    • Pedestrian, Bicycle and Motor Vehicle Commission
  • Safe Kids Coalition
  • Safe Communities
  • City- MMSD School Board Liaison Committee

This launch is part of the annual weeklong Walk Our Children to School campaign, held throughout Madison and Dane County. This year the kick-off is taking place in Cottage Grove on Wednesday, October 8, 2008.



  • Lisa Bullard-Cawthorne, (608) 444-3542
Health & Safety