Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

On Monday September 29th, 2008, work will begin on American Parkway between Tancho Drive and Hoepker Road. The City of Madison has contracted Dane County Highway to reconstruct American Parkway between Village Park Drive and Hoepker Road. The City of Madison's Resurfacing Program will resurface American Parkway between Tancho Drive and Village Park Drive.

American Parkway will remain open to two-way traffic during the first stage of the project. The second stage of the project will require the closure of American Parkway at Hoepker Road and is scheduled to start on October 13, 2008.

Access to adjacent properties will be maintained at all times. Motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes to avoid delay during this project.

The project will be completed by November 15, 2008.


David C. Dryer, P.E., City Traffic Engineer and Parking Manager


  • Christy Bachmann, City Engineering, 608-266-4095
  • Scott Langer, City Traffic Engineering, 608-266-5987