Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Vaccination Clinics Planned for Dane County Schools

Parents of school children in Madison and Dane County will soon receive information about the opportunity for their child to receive the H1N1 immunization at school. Next week, Public Health -Madison and Dane County will begin going to schools throughout Dane County and providing the immunization. "This will depend on the availability of vaccine," says Cheryl Robinson, Public Health Nursing Supervisor. "To begin the clinics next week and keep them on schedule, we need a steady supply of vaccine. We hope to start Monday, October 19 and continue without interruption."
It will take 5 weeks to complete the first round of school immunizations.

The H1N1 vaccine is being given first to those who are more likely to get the flu and/or more likely to develop complications. This group includes school children. Parents will be provided with information about the vaccine and a consent form to sign if they wish to have their child immunized at school. Children cannot be vaccinated without a signed consent form, so parents should make sure to return the consent form promptly. Consent forms and the schedule for school vaccination clinics, is also available at

Parents can also call the PHMDC Flu Line at 243-0555 with any questions regarding the school-based clinics. General questions about H1N1 can be answered by calling 2-1-1.

Children under 10 years of age need two doses of the H1N1 vaccine, about one month apart. Public Health will also be providing booster doses to these children at later clinics.

The H1N1 vaccine is made the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine and has the same very good safety track record.

"This is an important opportunity to prevent H1N1 flu which has been circulating in our community. It allows children to stay healthy and in school, and also protect families and the community as a whole," says Robinson.

The H1N1 vaccine should also be available through your child's health care provider soon.



  • Jeff Golden, (608) 243-0302