Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Madison Park Commission is holding a special meeting for public comments on the Olbrich Park Master Plan.

Date: October 6, 2008 (previously scheduled on September 22)
Time: 6:00p.m.
Location: Evjue Commons - Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 3330 Atwood Avenue

The City of Madison Parks Division held two public meetings this summer inviting comments on the master plan. As a result of those meetings, alternative plans were developed. After the presentation of these plans, the Board of Park Commissioners will hear individual comments from the public. Written comments may also be sent. Madison Parks Division 210 MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 104, Madison, WI 53703 or email to

This planning process looks at all of Olbrich Park and contiguous land such as Starkweather Creek and O. B. Sherry Park. The Parks Division and Park Commission encourage participants in all park activities to come and voice their interest in the future development, redevelopment, and restoration of different areas of the park.

For more information on the Olbrich Park Master Plan, go to:


  • Si Widstrand, 266-4714
