Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Over 5,000 street trees planted the last two years are in need of watering during this current dry period. The City is asking homeowners to water newly planted trees in front of their house. The root systems of these recently planted trees are not yet fully established and require some extra care. The city tree(s) as well as your own newly planted trees may require six to eight gallons of water every 10 days. Check the soil for moisture content. The soil should be moist, not saturated. Take rainfall into consideration when watering. It is recommended that all newly planted trees be watered now through to the first hard frost in late fall.

The City's forestry staff is traveling around the City with water trucks watering the newly planted trees. In order to conserve our community's water, the City is asking that any homeowner who is watering a newly planted street tree in front of their home, to loosely tie a piece of cloth to the lowest branch as an indicator that this tree has been watered. This will help the forestry staff conserve water AND not over-water that tree.

For tree care tips, please log on to the Forestry Division's web page:


  • Marla Eddy, 266-4450
  • Laura Whitmore, 266-5949
