Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Starting Monday, October 13, 2008 a new roundabout will open to traffic at the intersection of Hanson Road, Portage Road and Eastpark Boulevard next to American Family headquarters.

Drivers are reminded to slow down and yield to traffic in the roundabout. Drivers are required to yield on entry to the circulating road of the roundabout and stay in their lane the whole time while traveling through the roundabout.

Drivers are also reminded to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and bicyclists as drivers enter and exit the roundabout.

More information on roundabouts and how roundabouts work can be found at the following websites:

WisDOT Website:

Institute for Highway Safety Website:



David C. Dryer, P.E.
City Traffic Engineer and Parking Manager


  • Bob Arseneau, City Traffic Engineering, 608-267-8849
  • Deane Baker, Ayres Associates, 608-443-1200