Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison - Mayor Dave Cieslewicz introduced his 2009 operating budget today, keeping his commitment to public safety and excellent basic services, while keeping tax increases on the average home the lowest in his time in office.

Mayor Cieslewicz presented his budget at a Madison Fire Station to underscore the fact that, despite the tough budget environment, he is keeping a commitment he made two years ago to add another paramedic unit. The Mayor's budget includes funding to hire and train firefighters to staff a new ambulance on Madison's far west side beginning in 2010, as well a to open Station # 12 in 2009.

"In a time of soaring fuel costs and a troubled economy, this budget meets my goals of keeping taxes on the average home to an increase well below the rate of inflation and of protecting and even enhancing basic services," Cieslewicz said.

With inflation running at 4.4%, the Mayor's budget increases taxes on the average home by 2.95%.

"This budget did not come without hard choices and difficult trade-offs," Cieslewicz said, "but in the toughest budget I've faced, I'm confident I met my goals in a way that spreads the painful choices," Cieslewicz said. "My 2009 budget looks to the future and positions us to take advantage of economic recovery in years to come."

For the third year, the Mayor's operating budget is accompanied by Madison Measures, a comprehensive collection of city government performance benchmarks. Madison Measures is available online at

The Mayor's full operating budget is available online at

The Mayor's budget will now go to Common Council for review. The Council will debate and vote on the budget the week of November 10.


  • Rachel Strauch-Nelson, (608) 266-4611