Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison – Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said today that his 2007 executive operating budget would fully fund operations for the Metro bus system, which is expected to eliminate the need for service cuts or fare increases next year.

“The Metro bus system fills a vital role in providing workforce transportation in our community,” said Cieslewicz. “As we continue to create partnerships with a growing number of surrounding communities, it is becoming an increasingly important transportation alternative. Metro is also a lifeline for many residents who lack other transportation options. The increase in fuel costs made Metro’s budget challenging once again this year, but I believe this service is a priority for our community, and that is reflected in my budget proposal.”

Under the mayor’s budget proposal, funding for Metro in 2007 would be increased by $865,000, or 9.4% over last year’s funding level. The Metro budget also includes $10,000 to give Metro the ability to place uniformed police officers on certain bus routes if needed.

The mayor has also appointed a committee to plan for the long-term future of Metro, including an expanded partnership with the business community, alternative technologies that would reduce fuel costs and a greater regional focus.

The mayor’s 2007 executive operating budget will be formally introduced on Tuesday. It is subject to approval by the Common Council.


  • George Twigg, (608) 266-4611