Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Cities Innovate While Washington Fails to Act

Madison – Madison’s Employee Bikes at Work Program is highlighted in New Energy for Cities, a report released today by the Apollo Alliance. Mayors from across the nation are pioneering new clean energy solutions that could help end our nation’s oil addiction and create good jobs, according to the report.

“It’s an honor for Madison to be recognized for Employee Bikes at Work” said Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, who has a personally assigned City bicycle which he often uses to get to meetings in the downtown area. “We’ve also recently expanded our recycling program, and we’re working to improve energy efficiency in city facilities.”

“Our cities aren’t holding their breath waiting for leadership from Washington, D.C.,” said Jerome Ringo, President of the Apollo Alliance. “They've declared energy independence by cutting oil use, investing in clean, homegrown power, and designing energy efficient buildings and communities. And they’re tying these programs to job quality standards, to ensure the benefits of the new energy economy are enjoyed by everyone. These investments are paying big dividends in healthier air and reduced dependence on foreign energy.”

“Cities are setting a leadership standard that we hope Washington will one day follow” said Mayor Cieslewicz. “It’s my goal to make Madison a leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy. We’re working on solutions that will protect our environment, create good jobs, and reduce our country’s dependence on foreign energy.”

“Madison has done good work promoting clean energy,” said Satya Rhodes-Conway of the Apollo Alliance. “The city’s commitment to providing alternatives to driving for its employees is saving money, reducing fuel use, and helping to clean up our air.”

New Energy for Cities highlights dozens of representative municipal programs that promote renewable power, reduce oil consumption, make buildings more efficient and promote smart growth.

The Apollo Alliance, whose member organizations represent more than 17 million Americans, is a broad coalition of labor, environmental, business and community organizations that are fighting for energy independence and good jobs. Apollo is pursuing a crash program for clean energy that will capitalize on American innovation and ingenuity, rebuild our cities, create good jobs for working families and ensure good stewardship of both the economy and our natural environment. For more information, visit


  • George Twigg, Mayor's Office, 608-266-4611
  • Satya Rhodes-Conway, Apollo Alliance, 608-262-5387