Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison … At the request of Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, the Madison Parking Utility and Madison Metro have jointly developed a new initiative to make it easier than ever to park, shop, and get around downtown. The new Parking Ramp Shuttle Service, a five-month pilot program, will offer free rides between downtown and campus parking ramps for drivers who pay for parking at any of these ramps.

Currently, some downtown parking ramps, such as Government East, are frequently at capacity every weekday, while others, such as Overture, are comparatively underused. The free shuttle service will make it easier to park at one of the less utilized (and less-expensive ramps), and then take the shuttle to their ultimate downtown destination.

After brief remarks, the mayor and other speakers at the press conference will lead the media and any interested members of the public on the inaugural shuttle ride.

WHO: Mayor Dave Cieslewicz,
Parking Operations Manager William R. Knobeloch,
Metro Transit General Manager Chuck Kamp,
DMI President Susan Schmitz,
Downtown BID Executive Director Mary Carbine.

WHAT: Inauguration of the new downtown parking shuttle service

WHERE: Lake Street Ramp Shuttle stop, between State St. and University Ave.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 2, at 2:00 PM

The new shuttle service will offer two different routes: Weekday Peak Hours - Capitol Ramps route and Weekday Midday - Campus Ramps route. These routes will allow downtown parkers to save up to 36% by using less-expensive, under-utilized ramps.

To learn more, visit the Parking Utility - Parking Ramp Shuttle Service website at


William R. Knobeloch, Parking Operations Manager


  • William R. Knobeloch, Parking Utility, 608-266-4761
  • Chuck Kamp, Metro Transit, 608-266-4466