Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison has yet more national rankings to celebrate! Madison City Channel, the City's local government television station, has won another national award at NATOA's 23rd annual Government Programming Awards ceremony. The announcement of the awards at the annual conference of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors took place Saturday, September 20, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Madison City Channel took FIRST PLACE in the "Video Text/Bulletin Board" category for the work of City Channel's Tanya Anderson and Jennifer Hilgendorf's "Community Bulletin Board." The "Community Bulletin Board" has been a frequent honoree by NATOA, taking 1st Place in 2006, 2004 and 2003 (as well as of course 2008!), 2nd Place in 2000, and 3rd Place in 2007, 2005 and 2001.

Station Manager Brad Clark commented, "This recognition once again solidifies our place as one of the top government channels in the nation. Honors like this, of course, are all the more reason it's important that the great programming Madison City Channel provides to the Madison public continues to be available to all cable subscribers by keeping our presence on the analog basic tier of Charter's service intact. Don't forget, we will be moving from cable channel 12 to cable channel 98 on September 30th, but will continue to be part of the basic tier, so no additional expense or equipment will be necessary. You can also find Madison City Channel on Charter's digital tier at cable channel 994, and, of course on our website at"

Each year, NATOA recognizes the "best" local government programming as part of its annual conference. Entries are judged on the basis of creativity in achieving stated objectives, technical proficiency and diversity of programming. This year there were over 1200 entries in 64 different categories. For the complete list of awards and winners, visit the NATOA home page at


  • Brad Clark, 608-266-4839