Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Re-opening Marks Last Phase of Construction, Implementation of Strategic Plan

Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and local leaders will gather Monday, Oct. 6 at 12:15 p.m. to celebrate the completion of the State Street reconstruction project, and mark important milestones in the State Street Strategic Plan.

When: Monday, Oct. 6, 12:00-1pm.
Speaking program at 12:15 pm.

Where: Frances Plaza at Frances and State Street

What: Completion of the reconstruction of State Street, and official ribbon-cutting event.

Who: Mayor Dave Cieslewicz
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin
Local business leaders, including Susan Schmitz of Downtown Madison, Inc., and Mary Carbine of the downtown BID.
Alder Mike Verveer
Alder Eli Judge


  • Rachel Strauch-Nelson, (608) 266-4611