Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Public Health, United Way and Area Health Providers Collaborate to Create Info Resources

For Dane County residents who have questions about H1N1 flu related symptoms, treatment, vaccine or other concerns, there are a number of ways to get useful answers.  

  • If you have a regular health care provider, your best source of answers is your primary care provider or home health provider.  This is especially important if you or a family member has flu-like symptoms.  They will help you assess whether or not you or your family member may need medical attention.
  • If you do not have a health care provider or home health agency, you can call 211 or 246-HELP. The 211 service is provided by United Way of Dane County and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide people with a variety of helpful information and links to social and medical services. Most cases of flu-like illness require self-care measures such as rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and staying home until you are free of symptoms.
  • Another good source of comprehensive information about the flu can be found on Public Health Madison & Dane County's website at:  This site provides regularly updated information about both H1N1 and the seasonal flu.  The site also provides easy to access information for parents of school age children, businesses, healthcare providers, college students, pregnant women, and other groups regarding symptoms, vaccinations, and prevention tips as well as links to a variety of useful resources.

Public Health is working with United Way 211, Dane County health care providers and home health agencies to develop a Dane County Collaborative Triage system.  Dane County residents with questions related to H1N1 should:

  1. Go to for current information
  2. Call their usual healthcare provider
    See below for a list of provider contact numbers
  3. Call United Way 211 or 246-HELP if they do not have a health care   provider, home health agency or are uninsured


UW Health - call your primary care clinic
Physicians Plus/Meriter - call your primary care clinic
St. Mary's    (608) 251-6100
Dean Health Systems (608) 250-1383/ Toll free 1-877-277-3326 
Access Community Health Centers:  (608) 443-5480 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Group Health Cooperative (608) 257-9700
HospiceCare Inc.    (608) 276-4660
Veterans Hospital   (608) 280-7066
University Health Services (UW-Madison students) (608) 265-5600 (8:00 am-9:00 pm)


Public Health Madison & Dane County & United Way of Dane County


  • Jeff Golden, (608) 243-0302
Health & Safety