Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Act Now to Avoid Influenza

During these last beautiful days of summer, the ravages of the flu seem like a far off problem. While seasonal flu doesn't usually make its arrival until midwinter, now is a good time to make plans to avoid this awful and preventable disease.

The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get immunized against influenza every year. If you have insurance, you should call your regular medical clinic for information on their plans to offer flu shots this season

Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) now has flu vaccine for children. The supply includes injectable vaccine for children under 3 years, and nasal vaccine for children 2 through 18 years who do not have chronic health conditions. Public Health's supply of injectable vaccine for children will arrive soon.

Check the PHMDC Immunization Clinic schedule on the web at

Starting September 21st PHMDC will offer free flu shots, by appointment, for uninsured adults who are Dane County residents. They can call now to make a flu shot appointment at (608) 266-4821.

Flu vaccine not only protects you but also those around you. Now is a great time to get this done. Please check our website ( for updated information, or call our Flu Information line at (608) 243-0555.

For more information about this and other vaccinations, see our website at


Public Health Madison & Dane County


  • Jeff Golden, (608) 243-0302