Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City Wants to Hear From You

The City of Madison's new storefront office for the Downtown Plan is now open. This office has been established to make it more convenient for citizens to share their thoughts on the future of Madison's Downtown. Visitors may express their opinions and ideas, ask questions, and view maps and other information relative to this process for creating the new Downtown Plan. They can also learn more about the effort that is currently underway to create a plan for the future of Downtown and other ways to become involved.

The office is located at 125 West Mifflin Street, adjacent to the Overture Center and the Central Library just steps off State Street. It will be open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

According to Principal Planner Bill Fruhling, "The City maintained a storefront project office as the designs for the reconstruction of State Street were being developed. That office proved to be a popular venue for people to stop in for a few minutes to share their ideas without having to attend a large public meeting or make an appointment with a staff member". He added that. "We are trying to provide numerous opportunities to make it easy for people to participate in this process that will impact the entire community."

Displays and materials at the office will change as the planning process continues, so anyone with an interest in the future of Downtown is encouraged to visit often. It is expected that this office will remain open for the duration of the process, which is scheduled to be completed by the summer of 2009.

Additional information can also be found on the project's website:



  • Bill Fruhling, Principal Planner, 267.8736
  • Rebecca Cnare, Urban Design Planner, 266.4957
