Disability Rights Commission Meeting-Thursday, 02-23-23

There is a huge invisible crisis going on in our community. The lack of qualified and trained caregivers to help older adults and people with disabilities remain in their homes and live productive lives in the community is the biggest obstacle facing people in Madison’s long-term care system. One of the limiting factors for having enough caregivers is the low wages they receive.

When there is no care provided in their homes, people have no other recourse than to live in institutional care—hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Families are needed to provide the care their loved ones require.  Many family members are overworked and being forced out of their jobs because of a lack of outside paid help.

This issue will be discussed at the Disability Rights Commission on Thursday, February 23 at 5:00pm.
The public is invited to attend the virtual meeting. To register, use the following link: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule/regi...
