Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

On Thursday, June 26, the City of Madison Commission on People with Disabilities will be holding a listening session regarding accessible taxi services at Brittingham Apartments at 5:00 P.M. This will be an opportunity for Madison’s disabled community to share their experiences relating to accessible taxi services.

Nearly 10 years ago, Madison created an accessible taxi ordinance. Since then, demand for this service has increased steadily with Union Cab providing 10,000 rides in 2013; a 125% increase from 2012. Due to this continuing rise in demand for improved accessible taxi services, the commission has chosen to investigate whether or not the needs are met.

The Commission will be focusing on the following four questions to better understand the current services, as well as possible gaps that may exist.

1. Are you aware of accessible taxicab service in Madison? If so, have you used it?
2. What is your experience with Madison’s accessible taxi service?
3. Do you feel this program adequately meets your needs and the needs of the community?
4. What improvements or changes would you like to see in accessible taxi services?

Residents interested in this issue are encouraged to attend the June 26 meeting. Those who are not able to attend can direct comments to Kate McCarthy at


  • Jason Glozier-Disability Rights, (608) 266-6511