Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison - Mayor Dave Cieslewicz made the following remarks in reaction to the Plan Commission's approval last night of the historic Cherokee land acquisition proposal:

"Last night was a major step forward in approving this historic agreement. When this proposal came to my attention last year, I asked staff to explore alternatives with the developer that would protect more open space and help in our efforts to restore Cherokee Marsh. After months of discussions with my office, the developer, the alder, the neighborhood and city staff we have now arrived at an historic agreement.

"The city will acquire 279 acres of land in fee simple and easements, placing it among the largest conservation purchases in the city's history. The number of houses in the Fifth Addition will be reduced by two-thirds to only 60 to 70, down from 210.

"This is an historic - but also delicate - compromise, and I urge the Common Council to approve it when it comes up for a final vote later this month."


  • George Twigg, 266-4611