Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Deadline October 1, 2008

The next deadline for BLINK is quickly approaching. This will be the last round of applications accepted until next year! BLINK offers funding to local artists for temporary public art pieces and applying is easy.

Why should you apply?

• Awards can range up to $1500 for a single project.

• More than one project can receive funding in each round.

• Individual artists may apply singly or in groups. You do not need to be affiliated with an arts organization or university to apply.

• All complete proposals will be reviewed

• BLINK is the only temporary public art program in Madison. You can submit proposals for ideas that don't necessarily qualify for regular grant programs.

• There is no fee to apply.

Not sure if your idea would qualify for a BLINK grant? Call Arts Administrator Karin Wolf


  • Karin Wolf, 608.261.9134
