Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The course is taught by Sustain Dane and the City of Madison

The green recycling carts emptied by the City of Madison Streets Division have far too much stuff in there just doesn’t belong.

Your green carts should only contain clean and dry recyclables.

Often mixed in with good recyclables we find things that do not belong in the cart. For example, you should not place clothes, Styrofoam, loose plastic film, bags of trash, and many other things in your recycling cart.

We can certainly recycle better.

And you can help.

Be a Master Recycler
Sustain Dane, in partnership with the City of Madison, is once again offering an opportunity to become a Master Recycler.

The first session is the evening of July 20, 2022. Enrollment is now open.

The course will teach you about how to recycle the right way in your home, and also provide you with the tools so you can share your knowledge with everyone from your neighbors to your TikTok followers to everyone within your social orbit so they will know how to recycle right, too.

About the Master Recycler Course
The course received a Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Award by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2021 and was also recognized by the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin for an Outstanding Achievement in Recycling Education.

Since 2021 when the Master Recycler course began, hundreds of Madison-area residents attended the Master Recycler course. And their education projects reached thousands more residents of Dane County. The projects ranged from newsletters to neighborhood social media posts to presentations to a video a grandmother made with her grandchildren and shared with her family and friends.

The Master Recycler course is two sessions of 90 minutes apiece. People enrolled should attend both sessions. The classes will be held online via Zoom. Sustain Dane also charges a small tuition of $15 for the course with scholarships available.

The class was proven to be quite popular, if you are interested sign up today.

Additional Information
For more information about the City of Madison Streets Division’s recycling program, please visit

For more information about Sustain Dane and all of the classes and services they provide (including the Master Recycler class), visit
