Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Six Individuals and Organizations Honored

Six individuals and organizations will be honored at the 2012 Public Health Awards ceremony to be held on Monday, May 14th at 1:30 p.m. at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center, 1625 Northport Drive, Madison. Public Health Awards recognize those who have made significant contributions and demonstrated exceptional commitment to improving public health.

According to Janel Heinrich, Interim Director of Public Health Madison and Dane County, "In difficult economic times, the job of protecting and maintaining the health of our community is a great challenge that would be more difficult to achieve without the partnership and efforts of the individuals and organizations that we honor today. It is a great pleasure to recognize the energy and commitment of the 2012 public health award recipients."

Nominations for the Public Health awards were submitted by a variety of people and organizations in the community, and by Public Health staff. At the ceremony, public health staff will highlight the specific contributions that each honoree has made to the public health of the community. The awards will be presented by Madison and Dane County officials and Public Health staff.

Partnership Award:
For community partnership efforts in working on initiatives and policies to address the harm caused by alcohol abuse.

Advocacy Award:
Isha Shrestha
For advocating for the Bhutanese refugee population by volunteering to help the refugees better understand their new country and available programs and services, and educating service providers about the Bhutanese culture so they can more effectively assist them.

Prevention Award:
(Helping Others Prevent and Educate About Suicide)
For creating community awareness that suicide is a preventable public health problem, educating about suicide prevention, and supporting those who have lost loved ones to suicide.

Leadership Award:
Alan Lukazewski, RPh
Pharmacist, Oakwood Lutheran Senior Ministries
For leadership in developing and implementing a collaborative community model to reduce adverse drug events and falls in older adults.

Leadership Award:
Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
For leadership and support for local efforts to address the root causes of homelessness and poverty.

Distinguished Service Award:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Madison
For continually monitoring the changing health and safety needs of Dane County's most vulnerable citizens and working to address these needs with innovative programs and practices.

For more background on the Public Health Awards, see


Public Health - Madison & Dane County


  • Jeff Golden, (608) 243-0302