Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.
In the budget, the Republican-dominated legislature cut by 50% the Mass Transit Operating Assistance for two of the state’s largest transit systems. This dramatic cut comes despite unprecedented growth in state tax revenues and a considerable budget surplus. Of the more than 20 transit systems in the state, the budget cuts target only Madison and Milwaukee, a blatantly partisan move.
The drastic cuts undermine the state’s economic recovery. Dane and Milwaukee Counties are economic engines for the state making up about a third of Wisconsin’s economy, with Dane County contributing over $46 billion in 2019. Metro Transit serves workers and employers in Madison, and surrounding communities. I am confident that our regional economy will recover, but we need to keep providing the absolutely critical services that will allow it to do so. We already are seeing ridership go up from its pandemic lows, and expect it to fully recover by 2024 and for demand to keep growing as the region does. This move undercuts our residents, our City and our state.


See more comments on the State Budget in the Mayor’s previous blog here:

